Monday, May 12, 2008

A Gift To Return

A friend of mine helped me mull through some ministry issues today. We got to talking about how much our pride can get in the way of being used by God. We shared openly, honestly, transparently about our "garb"--you know the stuff you can't tell the whole world, lest you be judged by all who are listening.

Then I talked with my sis who spoke more Truth to me. Then a letter came which reminded me why I do what I do. All sorts of stuff began to come together in my heart and soul, and it was my Father at work in me. In His great wisdom, He brought out an old letter and showed it to me. It was a poem He wrote on the tablet of my heart one day...a simple poem that I wrote for the young ones I minister to. Today, he pasted it on my bulletin board and reminded me of its message:

A Gift To Return
By Laura L. Shaw

Your life is precious to our Lord,
“It is very good,” He exclaimed.
Your talent is a gift from Him,
So use it as one unashamed!

Whatever you do with your talent~
Don’t compare, looking around,
You’ll find yourself on sinking ground.

Because the Fact is:

Your talent is needed in this world.
It can make a difference, you know,
For when you use it with His strength,
HE is the star of the show.

Whenever you shine with your talent~
It’s by the power of the Spirit,
He is the One who is able to steer it.

Because the Truth is:

“…you have received a gift in order to serve others. You should use it faithfully. Then in all things God will be praised through Jesus Christ.
Give Him the glory and the power
for ever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:9b,11b

All of it. All that I do is for His glory...whether it's something I want to do, or something I should do, or something I'm dreading to do. When I use it with His strength and His leading, it is HIM that people will see. It first came from His hands, and that is where I want to return it.

You know, I'm relieved. I think my fear all along is that they would see me instead of Him. That would NOT be a good thing.

2 friends shared a comment:

Patty Wysong said...

Yes,Laura, you're so right. There are definitely times to stop and take stock and adjust our settings. I'm so glad all the pieces fell together for you!
Hugs, my sweet sister!

Lisa said...

What a beautiful poem, and written so lovely... So often we do look around and compare our talents, and try to be somebody else! It is so amazing that He gave us our own unique talents to be used for HIS glory. Lisa R.