Saturday, May 31, 2008

Drawin' A Blank

Most who know me know I love to send notes of encouragement. It's one of my favorite things to do when I have the spare time. So when I found some new blank cards at the store yesterday, I was ecstatic. What's even better is that I got the kind with foil gleaming throughout.

The great thing about blank cards is that I get to put my original thoughts inside of them--something I want to say especially for the person I'm sending it to. Just seems more personal than the blanket statements I see on the standard "thinking of you" cards. And when they have a sparkle or a glitter on the cover, it just says "You're special," you know?

God must like blank cards too.  Because I've noticed that when I go before Him with an empty heart, He etches a personal message on it, a unique one just for me. While He is powerful and full of splendor and majesty, He is also personal. He longs to give me His special encouragement and leading for my life.  And when I receive it, my life is wrapped in His foiled light, which glimmers for everyone around me to see. It's such a beautiful way for Him to say "You're special," you know?

"When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear Your name, O LORD God Almighty."
Jeremiah 15:16

Lord, write your words on my heart, those I need to hear, those I need to absorb, and those I need to put into practice. And then Lord, may I come before You with my own special and personal lyrics of praise and worship--from my heart straight to Yours.

4 friends shared a comment:

Laury said...

Oh! Wow! What a surprise. Just went to your page after leaving a comment on your story and I get this delightful little devo. Wow! I love your thoughts about God etching a personal message in our empty hearts -- perfectly lovely. Love you, LaLee:)

Patty Wysong said...

This is top-notch, LaLee!
...and your notes of encouragement are treasures! I know because I've been blessed with some. Thank you!
Praying He'll write an extra special message on your heart today. Huggles!

Kristen Schiffman said...

I love this. He is so personal. This was powerful.

Thank you for the blog comments- so encouraging. They urge me to continue on even when I am tired...

Paula said...

Love the thoughts you posted! Thanks!

And thanks for passing Soul Scents along and visiting GraceReign. You're a blessing!