I'm in a spaghetti kind of mood today...as a guest blogger over at The Surrendered Scribe. Thanks for having me, Julie!!!
In the Key of HE,
Selah is no longer an active blog, but I will be writing at LauraLeeShaw.com (details in most recent post). Feel free to peruse past posts. I pray that you will spend time each day pausing, pondering and praising your awesome Savior.
I truly believe that a person's testimony, salvation or otherwise, is one of the most powerful expressions of the Christian faith. I thrive on hearing God-stories. When I had my blog giveaway/contest, I asked for testimonies based on songs affecting one's faith. Well, people submitted, and I was moved. That's where "Lifesong In the Limelight" on Saturdays was born.
Beckie's testimony is about healing, and I hope someone who needs to read it does so today. With her vulnerability and humility, I'm excited for her to be featured as this Saturday's...
Beckie Stewart is a mom of 5 who loves Jesus with all her heart, soul, and mind. She would tell you her greatest joy is loving and serving Him and then my family and friends.
She enjoys writing devotions, articles on adoption, and articles to encourage daily Godly living. Visit her devotional website, God's Gracious Gems, for practical spiritual lessons that glorify Jesus Christ.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 8 friends shared a comment
Labels: lifesong, Lifesong In The Limelight, testimonies, testimony
Today's Fiction FRiday meme is being hosted by Hoomi at Pod Tales and Ponderings. Please head on over there for a bunch of great fiction today!
“Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy…”
Psalm 126:2a
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 9 friends shared a comment
Labels: christmas, family, fiction, fiction friday, holidays
It's Word-Filled Wednesday!
I couldn't think of a better time than around the holidays to consider how our love toward one another affects others. At the table, over the game, in the stores, on the road, during the parties, they will know we are Christians by our love...
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 18 friends shared a comment
Labels: family, fruit of the spirit, God's love, holidays, love, meme, the Word, Word-filled Wednesday
I slept in the other morning, which I hardly ever do, and I came down the stairs to find my daughter in my chair having MY quiet time. Well, it was her quiet time, but it blessed me to see her catching this vision of her mama.
I'm posting this merely to capture it as a photo in my mind forever. I hope it encourages you who are reading in some way.
She and I sat down last evening to put the frame around it and share her favorite memorized verse. It convicted me and reminded me how important this verse is in the Christian life. He has saved me, and I have HIS Spirit living through me each and every day. Will I be faithful to this gift today? Tomorrow? Each moment?
Sleepin' in shouldn't even be in my VOCAB! :D Thank you, Allison Faith, for reminding me why I get up before you each morning! You ministered to me!
On a side note: Allison picked the colors, the fonts, the design, the frame, everything. That makes it that much more special to her mama! :D
In the Key of HE,
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 14 friends shared a comment
Labels: family, motherhood, parenting, the Word
Laurie at Women Taking A Stand is hosting at the well this week, and her topic is "Having A Thankful Heart." With this INCRedible topic, I'd suggest going by to read what Laurie has to say on it. She has the spiritual gift of teaching, and I go regularly to her blog to be fed spiritually and to learn the deep stuff of God's Word.
I would've love to put together something well-packaged for this great topic, but since I'm low on time, I'm just going to answer her discussion questions as if she and I were having a conversation. Would you like to do the same? If so go by Laurie's blog to sign up.
It is easy to give thanks when everything is going well. But how easy is it to give thanks when we are low in the valley?
How do you give thanks during difficult times?
Share with your readers a testimony of how God brought you thru a difficult time.
Psalm 77:11-12 (NIV)
" I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago.
I will meditate on all Your works and consider all Your mighty deeds."
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 17 friends shared a comment
Labels: At the Well, family, gratitude, meme, struggles, thankfulness, trials, tribulation
I truly believe that a person's testimony, salvation or otherwise, is one of the most powerful expressions of the Christian faith. I thrive on hearing God-stories. When I had my blog giveaway/contest, I asked for testimonies based on songs affecting one's faith. Well, people submitted, and I was moved. That's where "Lifesong In the Limelight" on Saturdays was born.
Josh from Just Joshing blew me away with this testimony, and it is such an encouraging one that will hopefully help someone who needs to hear it today. If you want to know someone who loves to encourage, desires to passionately pursue Christ and who has a great sense of humor, then you need to know Josh. He's a phenomenal writer and a faithful Christian friend to me and so many others in the online Christian community. For all of these reasons and more, I'm so privileged to feature him as this Saturday's
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me
I am a flower quickly fading
I am a wave tossed in the ocean
I am a vapor in the wind
I am Yours.
Josh is a 26 year old Network Administrator living in the beautiful mountain state of Colorado. When he's not tinkering with technology, Josh likes to read, exercise, play games, surf the Internet, and of course - write. He sees his writing as a ministry, given to him by God to help encourage people and lead them to the hope that is Jesus Christ. Whether it be through humor, fictional Biblical re-tellings, or non-fiction confessionals, Josh's goal is to put a smile on people's face and remind them of the love that God has for them. Please take time to visit his ministry website: Uplifting Words or his personal blog at Just Joshing.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 14 friends shared a comment
Labels: depression, identity, lifesong, Lifesong In The Limelight, music, stronghold, strongholds, testimonies, testimony, trials, tribulation
It's Fiction Fridays, and Patty from Patterings is hosting. To learn more about her meme, click here:
Do you like short story fiction? Then go on over to Patterings and check out the links to more fiction posts.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 12 friends shared a comment
Labels: blessing, evangelism, family, fiction, fiction friday, holidays, thankfulness
Happy Word-Filled Wednesday!!!!!Lord, when I stop and reflect on the mercies You have given me...I remember love, the kind that will never separate from me.I remember grace, undeserved.I remember the Holy Spirit, given to dwell inside of me, lead me, guide me.I remember peace, supernatural.I remember saving faith.I remember patience, kindness, hope and comfort--imagine living life without these?Glory and honor.Forgiveness and reconciliation, thank You, God!Righteousness and justification.FREEDOM! (Can I hear an "Amen"?)Eternal life and resurrection.Sonship & Security.I remember these mercies (and so many more), and I am overwhelmed. Do I even deserve one of them?So what is my response, Lord?
Father God, thank You. Your mercies overwhelm me. I give myself to You this day--my soul, my mind, my body, my heart. I'm Yours, Lord. Take me and use me, or let me be still and hear Your voice. In You, I'll live and move and have my being. In You, I'll find my rest. It's in Your merciful name I pray, Amen.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 26 friends shared a comment
Labels: meme, sacrifice, scripture, the Word, Word-filled Wednesday
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 9 friends shared a comment
Labels: God's love, identity, insecurities, internet cafe, self-esteem
Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 8 friends shared a comment
Labels: grace, gratitude, meme, mercy, monday manna, sacrifice, surrender, thankfulness, worship
Chelsey at Joyfully Living for His Glory is hosting this week, and she's asking us to discuss what it means to "stand for your marriage." PLEASE if you have the time, go over to her place to see what she has to say, as well as others. I guarantee you will receive a more extensive study on the subject, especially with the tough questions, than what I have to offer today.
I'm fully occupied with family priorities right now that I don't have time to blog an original on this subject. I was just going to bow out, and I shared my disappointment with the Lord. Then, just an hour or so later, as I was reading some emails from a Yahoo group of my friends, one of them typed that she had never fallen asleep in church before. THAT reminded me of a devo on marriage that I sent out to my edevo subscribers awhile back. I don't believe in coincidence, so I'm going to post that devo. While these words are not written from my "pen" this very day, they are still the cry of my heart's desire and conviction, so they may as well be. I hope the Lord of yesterday, today and forever uses these words to minister to someone who is led to read them.
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b, NIV)
My paraphrase for this subject:
“He gave us marriage that we could have one life together, and have it to the full.”
“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ,
if any comfort from His love,
if any fellowship with the Spirit,
if any tenderness and compassion,
then make my joy complete by being like-minded,
having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests,
but also to the interests of others.
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:”
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 15 friends shared a comment
Labels: At the Well, complacency, family, marriage, meme, relationship, sacrifice, selfishness
I truly believe that a person's testimony, salvation or otherwise, is one of the most powerful expressions of the Christian faith. I thrive on hearing God-stories. When I had my blog giveaway/contest, I asked for testimonies based on songs affecting one's faith.
Well, people submitted, and I was moved.
That's where "Lifesong In the Limelight" on Saturdays was born:
Wellza, lemme just tell you, if you don't know Kim from Homesteader's Heart, then you're missing out! Big TIME! She prides herself on her sense of humor, and that she has in full measure. But truth be told, she has even more to offer her readers than that. I've learned a LOT about home organization, cooking, homeschooling, and (YES, Kim,) THE LORD, through reading her blog each day. All of these reasons and more are why I am so excited to feature her as today's:
Kim, aka Homesteader in Training, is the wife to one wonderful man and the mother to three beautiful children, ages 15, 6 and 3. A stay-at-home-mom since her marriage in 1996, she calls herself a “domestic engineer and a homeschool mom who wouldn’t want it any other way.” If you were to ask Kim to tell you a little bit about herself, as well as her blog, A Homesteader’s Heart, she would say, “I've met some great gals in this blog world and am slowly finding my niche. I am kind of a jack of all trades, master of none. I have my hand in a lot of different things and end up blogging about most of them. I love to laugh and that probably shows in most of my posts. Hence the birth of my Meme, Friday Funnies. (Boy, that was a sad plug wasn't it?)”
Isn't she fun? For more on Kim, check out her blog, A Homesteader’s Heart..
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 9 friends shared a comment
Labels: lifesong, Lifesong In The Limelight, music, testimonies, testimony
It's Fiction Fridays, and Patty from Patterings is graciously allowing me to be hostess. I'm so excited! To learn more about her meme, click here.
To post your own fiction or to read others today, just go to cute lil old Mr. Linky at the bottom of this post:
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 14 friends shared a comment
Labels: abuse, church, fiction, fiction friday, grace, juvenile fiction, meme, struggles, teenager, trials
Okay, well I gotta do it again. My heart is stirred by what I read in my devotions this morning, but it is deeeeeep and uncomfortable. Read at your own risk. ;)
This is from "Meditations on The Heart of God" (pg. 31) by Francois Fenelon, which my good friend Whitney nudged me to pull off my bookshelf and read. To think all this incredible stuff has just been sitting there dusty, waiting to be re-read. I've been missing out. Anyway, here 'tis:
Do this, and you will live. (Jesus Christ, in Luke 10:28b, RSV)
"We often say we would like to know what to do to advance in virtue--but when the Spirit of God shows us what to do, we often lack the courage to carry it out. We have a strong feeling that we are not what we ought to be. We see how our burdens grow day by day. Yet we feel we are doing a lot just by saying we want to be delivered out of ourselves.
"Let us count it as nothing if we say we are willing to follow God, and then do not go as far as sacrificing the things that stop us from walking in God's ways. Let us not hold the truth captive through our unrighteous half-heartedness."
Psalm 86:11 (NIV)
Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 9 friends shared a comment
Labels: classics, deep, devotion, devotions, Fenelon, righteous living, righteousness, struggle
In a world where happiness trumps holiness,where wrong feels right and right is all about feelings,where money, money, moneykeeps us singing, spending, striving,where "enough" is NOTand "plenty" is relative,God's Word interrupts...
Father God, You define enough, and it is You. Thank You for giving us everything that we need for life and for Godliness, and for the working of the Holy Spirit to produce contentment with our circumstances. Lead us to confess our sins, to turn from them, and to surrender our very lives to You this day.
In Your all-sufficient name I pray, Amen.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 38 friends shared a comment
Labels: contentment, godly living, meme, righteous living, righteousness, the Word, truth, Word-filled Wednesday
Hey all, some of the readers of my blog may not know that a huge part of my Lifesong--where my love for ministry writing was really born was from a totally separate devotional ministry where I send out devotionals and fiction stories from my Lovinthearts.com ministry website . I thought I would post one from last year, and I hope it ministers to you today.
If you would like to sign up to receive my edevos straight to your inbox, as well as some short fiction devo stories, click here:
Lovinthearts.com Edevo subscribe form There is no junk mail or advertising whatsoever sent from my site.
Matthew 3:11-12
"I'm (John the Baptist) baptizing you here in the river, turning your old life in for a kingdom life. The real action comes next: The Main Character in this drama—compared to Him I'm a mere stagehand—will ignite the kingdom life within you, a fire within you, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. He's going to clean house—make a clean sweep of your lives. He'll place everything true in its proper place before God; everything false He'll put out with the trash to be burned."
When the Lord is our starting place for energy, for purity, for holiness, for light, for joy, for peace, for fullness, for pleasure—when HE is the supply of all those things—THEN and ONLY then, will we have success at living the Kingdom life here on earth. There is absolutely no way to do it on our own.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 12 friends shared a comment
Labels: devotion, devotions, godly living, Holy Spirit, live by Spirit, renew, repent, revival, righteous living, righteousness, sanctification, submit, worship