Lately, while my tall, hairy son sits beside me in the car, (only in the driver's seat now), I am reminded how many times I've heard from others older and wiser than me how fast time flies. It takes experiencing it personally to grasp the truth of that. My son, a sophomore. My oldest daughter, a junior higher. My baby girl in double digits...I'm blown away, and it makes me teary-eyed, yet excited for what lies ahead.
I'm now recalling when my devo ministry began...with only six of my precious ministry teammates in drama, growing now to many I don't even know personally. Then Selah the blog was started to expand it further still. Since then, my readers walked with me through screaming toddler tantrums, revelations of being a better wife and homemaker, taking care of aging family members, numerous deaths in the family, tales of schooling my kids at home, major ministry decisions and the fleshing out of my spiritual life, growing from legalism to faith-filled freedom. From my perspective, the spiritual years have flown by too.
At the beginning of the summer, I made the commitment to take time off from writing devotionals--for my ministry edevo recipients--as well as for this blog and my website. I've used that extra time, even though there was little extra, to pray, to evaluate what I need to be doing ministry-wise, etc. My prayer team has been praying alongside me as well. I've consulted others and taken time to hear from the Lord before I made my decision.
I've decided to discontinue all 3 of these ministries, which of course puts a permanent pause on Selah. Though some have advised me that it's not wise to let go of any email distribution list or blog that is growing numerically, the Lord's work has shifted for me at this season of life. I don't want to continue something just because it gives me a larger audience, especially if I can't make it as excellent as it needs to be. The Holy Spirit has been leading me more toward article-writing and speaking. So I'm going to obey, write articles for websites and magazines and speak when it doesn't collide with the family schedule.
When I was a kids' worship leader, I used to lead the younger kids in a cool little song called No, Slow, Grow and Go (Troy & Genie Nilsson) in an effort to teach them about some of the ways God answers our prayers. Right now, I believe the Lord has me in a slow and grow season. These words keep repeating in my head: "Don't worry about numbers. Just write when you can write and speak when you can speak, and I'll do the rest." Over and over and over I've heard this echo, even in messages I've heard. So that's what I'm gonna do. After all, I pray to "walk by faith, not by sight."
Just as God has been changing and growing me, I'm sure He is doing the same in your life. The Lord will guide you into His Truth through whatever person, whatever means, whatever venue He sees that you need. If you have interest in reading what the Lord lays on my heart, please consider subscribing to my web blog: I post on there 2-4 times a week, depending on time. I also post short messages once or twice a day on my Twitter page, as well as my professional Facebook page. Also, if you need a speaker for your moms', women's or ministry team group, please don't hesitate to contact me. All of that info is at
And because I can't help meddlin' a little, allow me to ask you one question. Do you need to evaluate where God has you in life--in family, in ministry, in recreation? Has something He originally called you to become something you need to ask, "Lord, no, slow, grow or go? What do you want me to do?" If so, don't hesitate to wait on Him to lead you right where you need to be. Let's agree together not to go even a half step ahead of him or lag even a tiny bit behind Him. Let's shoot for walking all the way in the Spirit.
Love you all, and I hope to hear from you anytime, whether by email, blog, Facebook or Twitter. Thank you so much for supporting me and praying me through all these years. It has been a sanctifying journey, and one I hope you'll continue with me at
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
No, Slow, Grow or Go?
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 5 friends shared a comment
Labels: calling, decisions,, ministry, ministry decisions, prayer
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
"Break"ing News! Selah
Hi friends,
I’ve got some “break”ing news for you, but first lemme give you a teeny tiny bit of background:
When my son was thirteen, we gave him a cell phone, mainly for our convenience, but he wasn’t hurting over it for sure. He was very responsible with it for the most part, and he managed to keep the unlimited texting and phone calls in balance with other life responsibilities. Something happened around a year later, however, as he grew used to the freedom. He went through some changes, more friends got texting privileges (not to mention Facebook accounts), the ministry and social calendar picked up, basketball season started, the homework got heavier, and the “unlimited” became an issue for him. Maybe this is the case with your sons and daughters. If so, read on...
Brian and I took his texting minutes back to a limited number a month, a number which we felt was reasonable. We began to take his cell phone at night and keep it in our rooms. We also began to monitor the texts to some degree, all with his knowledge. At first, it was difficult to scale back, and he kicked and screamed some. But now, he knows he has a certain number, and it has helped him to realize that life changes, our schedule changes, and when it does, we have to be willing to adjust. It’s turned out to be a beautiful life lesson. That’s God. He allows us to make corrections, even if we get a step or two ahead of Him. Love that merciful heart of His.
Those lessons have not only been for our son, they’ve been there lately for Brian and me as well. WE’ve stepped into a new season of of taxying, hosting parties and Bible Studies, heavier discipleship necessary with life and relationship issues, larger circles of friends as our kids become older and more social, less time together as a couple at night since the kids go to bed later...all the while personally continuing to grow as a son and daughter of the Most High, who loves us far too much to let us get ahead of Him.
Because of this heavier season of life, and after a great deal of prayer, my Father has led me to take a break from my devotional writing on Selah. It may be just the summer, it may be will be until the Lord gives me permission and clear vision of His calling for ministry. He is continuing to lead me to write Christian living articles and speak as I have the extra time, so I will pour what little time and resources I have left from being a wife and mama into improving and sharing in those areas. If you have the desire to keep up with what the Lord is doing and teaching us in our lives, you can follow my blog...I will also post on Facebook and Twitter once or twice a day, or more if time allows. My writer and speaker page on Facebook is here.
The Lord has allowed me the blessing of some publishing opportunities this month. One is in Dallas Christian Family. If you are local, you can pick one up for free in a whole lotta places, or you can go online and read it here (pg. 8): Dallas Christian Family May Issue.
And in His incredible wisdom and timing, He chose to allow my “Out of Order” article to be published in Just Between Us magazine for the summer edition (on shelves this month). Gotta love the Lord for leading me to do what He wants me to do through publishing this article at this time.
Another remarkable choice of timing is that my mother’s tribute story, "Lessons Learned from Glory,” will be published in a book that is scheduled to be released in late May or early June...May was my mama’s birthday, and it is also the month of Mother’s Day. What a loving time and way for the Lord to give me this news in a month that is difficult for me. He is a gracious Father. I’ll post that info on my blog when it comes out. If you wish to subscribe to my blog, you can do so here.
So, yea, “break”ing news...I’ve prayed about this for a few months, and like my son with the texting, I kicked and screamed some. But I learned when He asked me to step down from kids’ ministry leadership, that, when I obey, His fruit of peace follows. When I trust him with my time and priorities, His fruit of love and self-control are expressed in and through me. He’s also taught me that He’d rather me do a few things extremely well than to try to do a bunch of things halfway and stressed in the process.
And He’ll continue to love on me and teach me as I break away from anything that hinders me from having an undivided heart. :) Selah.
How about you, my friend? Is it time to reevaluate your time, your talents, your resources, your relationships? Ask Him...He will answer and give you all that you need to obey. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus...than to trust and obey.”
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 13 friends shared a comment
Labels: blog break, break, priorities, selah
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Pondering A Plan That Will Stick
Picture it with me. You’re laying in bed, or driving in the car…cooking or cleaning, exercising, whatever you do when you stew…and you can’t stop thinking about that circumstance, conflict or decision.
You think about it in hundreds of different ways. What if I did this? No, that wouldn’t be good, because then “that” would happen. Okay, so what if I asked her to talk to so-and-so…but then I’m involving someone else, and she might think bad of me. But if I do this, something will fall through at home or work. I know, I’ll tell him one thing in hopes that it might lead to the other thing.
And we just. keep. going. Plotting, stirring, stewing…on and on…coaxing with God one minute, then working to solve the equations ourselves the next minute. Maybe it’s because we’re weary of waiting, maybe it’s a habit, maybe we believe that God helps those who help themselves, and He gave us marbles, so we best use them or lose them.
Whatever the case, the Lord was ready and waiting for my attention this morning so that He could deliver a message to me from His Word. I immediately wrote it on a sticky note and slapped it on my forehead. ;0
“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.” Proverbs 21:30
- *We can’t outwit God. Yes, it’s fine for us to think through a situation, but it’s not fine for us to take matters into our own hands. He sees the whole thing. He sees ahead. He knows what needs doing. We can whole-heartedly, undoubtedly, unmistakably rely on Him to guide our decisions as we trust Him with the faith He’s given us. He’ll continue to teach us about surrendered, Spirit-filled living, and we’ll think differently as a result.
- *We can’t always depend on others to counsel us. Often the second place we turn after stewing is to friends or family. While the Lord will sometimes use those relationships to guide us, sometimes He doesn’t, especially when we don’t consult Him first. Another reason to wait and rely upon Him. As we do so, He will lead us to phone a friend, or even better, He’ll lead them to phone us. (love it when that happens). ;)
- *How do we know when our thoughts or the counsel of others is in line with the Lord’s? When it falls in line with His Truth. If we are manipulating a person or situation to get our way, it’s not from Him (1 Cor. 13:5). If we are losing sleep or being driven to drink/eat, etc, or having physical symptoms of any kind from worry, it’s not from Him. (Luke 12:25). If what another person tells us leads us to think ourselves better than another or more entitled and deserving than ever before, it’s not from Him. (Philip. 2:3)
- *Even if we do it the “easy” way, the wrong way, the self-serving way, etc, His plan will still come to fruition. Because He loves us, and because of His grace, He will make His plan, the best plan, succeed in the end. We may have consequences from our folly, but He will still forgive us. We may have to wait longer for the good fruit that comes from fully believing, obeying and depending on Him, but He won’t let the opportunity pass without teaching us something spectacular (if we are open and listening).
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests & challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open & shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature & well-developed, not deficient in any way. James 1:2-4, The Msg.
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 7 friends shared a comment
Labels: anxiety, conflict, relationships, thoughts, trials, trust, worry
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A "Tax Day" Devotional
April 15th, 2010
Dear Lord,
I’m tired. I’m drained. I’m burdened. All the things I don’t want to be as a Christian.
I am, though.
What an awkward day for me to realize this, but…I’m overtaxed.
Could you…wait, I know You can…
…Would You please give me a tax break? Just long enough for me to come up for air? I don’t mean to beg, but please?
I do love You, Lord. I do. I have only good intentions, but I’m weary, Lord.
Hangin’ by a hair,
Your child
I know You already know this, but the thought of no new taxes would really bring peace of mind to me right now.
April 15th, 2010
Dear child,
Yes. My tax breaks are always available for you. Listen to what I’ve written.*
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.”
“Do you not know?
The LORD is the everlasting God…He will not grow tired or weary,
and His understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.”
So…yea. This was written for you, my precious child. For this tax day, and every other moment too.
Holding you tight,
Your Daddy
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” **
** John 16:33
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
who daily bears our burdens. Selah"
Psalm 68:19
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 5 friends shared a comment
Labels: burdens, God's faithfulness, God's word, stress, tax day, taxes, weakness
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Unfulfilled Expectations at the Internet Cafe
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Are you a good witness?
"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."
I love the way John White puts it:
"Has it never dawned upon you that the essence of witnessing is just plain honesty? You are salt - whether you feel like it or not. You are not told to act like salt but to be what you are. You are a light. God has done a work in your life. Don't try to shine. Let the light that God put there shine out. It demands no more than honesty. It demands honesty before unbelievers. In fact such honesty is ninety per cent of witnessing. Witnessing is not putting on a Christian front as to convince prospective customers. Witnessing is just being honest, that is, being true to what God has made you in your speech and everyday behaviour." John White
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 1 friends shared a comment
Labels: evangelism, Holy Spirit, identity, Spirit-filled living, witnessing
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Unsinking Focus
Christians, what is our purpose here on earth? To glorify God. To hope in Him. To share Him. To worship Him. No matter our circumstances.
Yesterday, I had a couple of hours when I forgot this truth. My first day back in the swing of things from a glorious vacation, I was facing some uncomfortable moments of anxiety. One was relational, the other was in the headline news. Yuck. My stomach started to hurt, I felt drained and tired. My thoughts went awry with introspection and analysis. Then anger...
I didn’t even pray for several hours. Instead, I allowed my mind and heart to stay right there. And I was miserable.
As I drove to pick my kids up from school, the Lord, in His gracious mercy, brought a well-known story from Matthew 14 to my mind:
Jesus was walking on water, and it FREAKED the disciples out. I have to say, I’m with the disciples here...that would be over the top crazy. They wanted proof that it was the Jesus they knew.
Yup. Good ole Peter. Had Jesus right there in front of Him, and He noticed the WIND? Crooked finger circles around and stops right on myself. I was Peter yesterday. I had spent time in His presence earlier that morning, and I saw Him in all His glory. But the wind of worry came and took my eyes off of Him only hours later. And I kept my focus there until my attitude began to sink...
I can picture Peter, his eyes having zoomed back in on the Savior, stuttering...”I-I-I-I don’t know actually. I have no idea why I doubted You, of all people. What was I thinking? Thank You for saving me from sinking.”
Can any of you relate to this? Maybe it’s a problem child or a rocky marriage or the news of public healthcare...uncertainty for the future, a loss of income, conflict with a family member or friend. Maybe your circumstances are so overwhelming that you feel you are sinking under them. Perhaps it’s a bunch of tiny annoyances combined with hormones and stress, stacking up to steal your joy. And even though you have experienced His provision, His peace and His presence in the past over and over and over again, here comes that new wind from a different direction, and you start to sink.
Take a moment to think about the wind of worries in your life. Many of us don’t like to call worry what it actually online dictionary defines it as “to be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy.” In other words, all the feelings we experience when we take our eyes off of Jesus. Truth is, we are all subject to it.
He understands that we will and even why we lose our focus, but He challenges us to do the opposite.
“Why do you doubt? It is I!”So my friends, my prayer for all of us today is that no matter what or who has blocked our view of the One who does miracles, who provides for every single need, who holds all things matter the care or worry...that we will take the Messiah’s hand and turn our eyes upon Him. “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for HE who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23.
He is sovereign. He is faithful, and I will never EVER sink when my heart’s focus is fixed on Him.
Sing with me:
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace. O soul, are you weary and troubled? No light in the darkness you see? There’s light for a look at the Savior, And life more abundant and free! So turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
~Helen H. Lemmel, 1922
Monday, March 8, 2010
A Promise of Potential at the Internet Cafe
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Lying Truth
Psalm 119:29a (NLT) says:“Keep me from lying to myself.”
Jeremiah 17:10, NLT"But I, the LORD, search all heartsand examine secret motives.I give all people their due rewards,according to what their actions deserve."
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 6 friends shared a comment
Labels: heart issues, lies, truth, weight
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Upon Reflection...For Women to Ponder
It was a transforming day at the gym that day, but it didn’t start out pretty.
Ugh. Why do they have to have mirrors in here? There’s no way I can make it through this. Little Miss Skinny Winny is right in front of me in her ‘lil piece of material disguised as FIT to wear in public! Now I get to stare at BOTH of us in the mirror. YUCK! You’re too out of shape, Laura. It’s disgusting.
Yes, I actually have these thoughts sometimes…and one day in my FLEX aerobics class, they were running rampant through my head. And continuing…I used to be “one of them,” you know. Well, with the exception of the skimpy clothing. But now? Now I am a red-faced, hyperventilating, under-confident, thrumpy, almost-forty something someone.
Obviously my body wasn’t the only thing struggling with a much-needed workout. My spirit was too. Praise the Lord He spoke straight through the booming music and into my heart by the time class ended. He reminded me that, with Him, all things are possible. That nothing is too hard for Him. That He wanted me to persevere and love these people while I’m at it. That He’s more concerned with the state of my heart than the image in the mirror.
My attitude had been placed into submission with my Savior, and it was a good thing. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been prepared for what I walked into next. As I entered the ladies’ locker room, I walked straight into an older teenager with a perfect body in her teeny tiny bikini. She smiled at me big and said, “Hi.” I looked straight into her eyes, faked a smile and said “Hi” back. I made my way to my locker and grabbed my things, because I certainly was not changing my clothes in there now.
As I was about to leave, teeny weeny bikini girl’s (let’s call her “TWB Girl” for short.) friend came out of a draped dressing area in absolute distress. “I can’t do this!” she said to TWB Girl.
“You look great, Jody!” TWB Girl said back, “You do, I promise.”
Then the unthinkable. TWB Girl involves ME.
“Ma’am (ugh), tell her how great she looks.”
What I wanted to say is, “What are you two young things doing running around in skimpy bikinis? You need to cover up now, you hear!?! Got a t-shirt in that locker?”
The mommy/discipler in me took over instead. I forced myself not to look down at her body, but straight into her eyes. I thought, okay, if you tell her not to worry about it, she’ll think she looks bad. If I tell her she looks good in it, I’m feeding the wrong part of her.
“Sweetheart, you are so beautiful. Don’t cry, okay? God has made you such a beautiful young lady.” My heart broke in two as I watched Jody go over to the sink, look in the mirror and rinse her tears. I wanted to continue our conversation, clarify a few things about "true beauty," but I felt led to stop. As the two of them left, saying their polite goodbyes, I sat down on the bench and prayed, crying silently in my soul for this girl, for today’s generation, and for the woman in our aerobics class fussing in the mirror over her body just an hour earlier.
Oh wait, that was me!
Are you ever “that me” or “that her” in the mirror?
It may not be your appearance, or your weight, or your age. For some of you, it’s your talent, your spiritual giftedness, your domestic abilities or the lack thereof. Maybe it’s your personality, your spirituality, or some other stark reality.
Why do we do this? Talk down to ourselves, compare ourselves, wish ourselves away?
Blame it on the media, the devil, “the flesh,” the end times, whatever—but what matters most is what God has to say about us. He tells us to think on “what is true,” (Philippians 4:8a) and to “take captive every thought,” making it obedient to Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5b). He is very clear that He is more concerned with what He sees in our hearts than what we look like. (1 Samuel 16:7b)
Here’s Truth:
* You are beautiful to the King. (Psalm 45:11)
* You are His perfect creation. (Psalm 139:13)
* You are radiant when you look to Him. (Psalm 34:5)
* You can live life to the full if you believe what God says. (John 10:10)
* You are dead to the old flesh, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. (Col. 3:3)
* You are not to compare yourself to others. (Galatians 6:4)
Ladies, I could go on and on. This is not about whether or not you should lose weight or improve on yourself, or about strongholds or habits you may or may not need to change. I truly believe that if you don’t understand God’s perspective of you and how to think rightly on it, then it will be impossible to change anything about yourself you need to change anyway.
Look to Him today. Seek His face. Dig into His Truth. Pray for change in your thinking about who He made you to be. And I’ll meet you there.
“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory,
are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory,
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:16-18
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 7 friends shared a comment
Labels: comparison, identity, self-confidence, self-esteem, thoughts
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Walkin' in Circles
Walking down a shady neighborhood trail not long ago, I breathed in the air of a refreshing seventy degrees. Starting slowly, I took some time to praise the Lord and enjoy the peace and alone time. I quickened my pace, and anxious thoughts began to jog alongside me. God, please help my Ally on her tests today. Don’t let her fail again. She studied so hard. I’ve got so much to do. I shouldn’t be walking. I’m going to get behind on everything else. Why am I always a step behind on everything?
My worries completely took over my steps, and I’m sure my heart rate went off the charts. Ministry at church. My son’s issues. Not meeting people’s expectations. Emails and phone calls to return. Decisions my husband and I needed to make. Kids and families my heart is grieving for. Not enough hours in the day…
Then, one thought hijacked the others: I remembered something that had recently hurt my feelings. I didn’t think my legs could go any faster, but they did. I bit back at this person in my mind. I defended myself. I informed this person through telepathic communication that her actions were immature and hurtful.
Huffing in mind, spirit and body, all of a sudden, I noticed that I’d passed my starting place and was walking around the same trail again, by a long ways. The thought of going around a second time was quite an exhausting one, so I stopped for a moment, leaned the weight of my body via arms on my knees and caught my breath.
Do you really wanna walk down this path again?
It took the rest of the trail (a second time) home to allow the Lord to do some counseling with me. He gave me incredible insight into just how far He had brought me down the path of anxiety. He reminded me that I struggle with it so much less than I ever have before. He recounted instances of situations past where He has worked out each and every problem, hurt, fear or disappointment for His glory. He testified of all the ways He has worked in me to grow me up spiritually.
By the time I got home, my hurts and “But hows” had taken a hike, and the Lord had carried my numb legs through the door. I was where I needed to be: in the hold of His strong and capable arms. That’s when my prayers and praises started me down a new trail—the one they should have veered on about an hour earlier. I had gone full circle, and now it was time for His Truth to speak.
What trails keep you running around in circles? Are there any issues in your life that you need the Lord to “stop you in your tracks” over today? Take a few moments to remember His faithfulness on the treaded trails of your yesterdays. Do any of those give you hope for your footsteps today?
“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast,because he trusts in You.”Isaiah 26:3 NIV
Penned by LauraLee Shaw 7 friends shared a comment
Labels: anxiety, forgiveness, peace, thoughts, trust, unforgiveness, worry
Monday, February 15, 2010
Giveaway of "Thin Places: A Memoir"
"The greatest success stories are written by people who, against seemingly overwhelming and often insurmountable odds, have accepted their trials and turned them into opportunities for personal growth and stepping stones on their pathway to success. With God's help you can do the same. Trust him and choose friends who will empower you to do so."
I saw this quote the other day and thought of Mary DeMuth. She has spent her writing career showing how God has turned her trials into triumph. Because I deeply believe in her latest project, Thin Places: A Memoir, I'd like to give one away.
If you are interested, click here to read my review of her book on my new personal blog, and be sure to leave a comment over there. You might share how God has rescued you from a difficult past or circumstance, or you can take a moment to encourage Mary or another commenter.
If you've read the advance copy of her book, feel free to leave the link to your review as well. Anyone who leaves a comment here by March 1st is eligible to win this giveaway.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Be His, A Valentine's Day Devotional
I’ll never forget receiving the candy hearts on Valentine’s Day when I was in middle school. You know, the ones that taste like Pepto-Bismol? My friends and I would tear open our itty bitty envelopes (if we got any) to see which hearts someone put inside with the generic card. Reading into every phrase, we fantasized of that special someone spending tireless efforts to make sure he delivered the perfect message and emotion to each of us. It was dreamy.
It didn’t take me too many years to realize that the boys’ mamas probably just threw them in an envelope for them, OR worst case scenario, picked out the girl SHE wanted for him to like via pepto-heart-a-grams. So much for dreamy.
The reality of the analogy the Lord laid on my heart was not so dreamy either. He has written His message on my heart. It is forever inscribed and perfectly perfect, which is a beautiful truth. But when others look at my heart, so often I have covered up His words with my own unintentional messages.
Sometimes my heart begs, “Be mine,” when it really should cry out, “Be His.” Often it shouts out, “Love me,” when God begs me to “Love them” or “Love Him” instead. The mixed messages my heart delivers to others can leave them with mixed feelings about the heart of God.
Luke 6:45b says, “…for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.” It’s saying that the ‘stuff’ we stuff into our minds gets stored in the treasury of our hearts, and eventually it begins to flow out of the heart via tunnel of the mouth. Then it is spread to others, and “round and round it goes, where it stops…?”
When I complain frequently, I have probably listened to a bunch of complaints. As I throw out a zinger in the name of humor, I realize I've maybe seen a few too many sit-coms. During those moments of pouring out flattery to others, could it be that I have enjoyed the empty, false praise that I have indeed received myself? What ‘line’ do others see displayed on the tablet of your life?
All the static this world has to offer us can cloud the message he has carved on our hearts:
Hebrews 8:10b“I will put my laws in their minds,and I will write them on their hearts.I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
Sometimes we only need to be reminded, friends. I know I do. The way we spend our time matters. The people we allow to rub off on us are important. The shows we watch and the websites we visit and the novels we read—it has an affect on us. Pray about it, allow the Lord to lead and guide you into the perfect balance of freedom and works. It is then, and only then that our hearts—the new ones He gave us when we became a Christian—will show the world that we are His.
Psalm 86:11“Teach me YOUR way, O LORD, and I will walk in Your Truth;give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name.”
Friday, February 5, 2010
All the Way to Cambodia, Part 5

It was time to get to work. We went back over to the “marble museum” hotel to set up the meeting rooms. As we spent our hours unpacking and sorting for the conference, we were excited to think about the families coming to enjoy such a nice environment for the next three days, hoping it would be a treat for them.
Our team was out in the parking lot when the World Relief bus arrived. The families, especially the children (SO many children), were glad to be at their destination after the long, bumpy drive. We found out later that the air conditioning had gone out in the bus, and it was so hot that a few people had vomited along the way. What a horrible start to their break, but we were determined to make them comfortable now that they were in our care.
As we showed the families to their rooms, also in the economy section, they were incredibly grateful and complimentary. It was obvious that it was a special privilege for many of them to be in a hotel. That humbled me as I remembered my earlier thoughts.
Throughout dinner and then as we began the conference that evening, I studied the families since it was difficult to hold on a conversation. They seemed close knit, eager to serve one another and us as well. The kids were curious but would not come close. They, I’m convinced, were studying me as much as I was them. I felt small, but in a good way. “Dependent on God” small.
In the days to follow, our team would provide refreshment, teaching and encouragement to 120 men, women, youth and children, but as it was, I would end up being refreshed, taught and encouraged even more by each of them. They would cause me to worship when they sang out wholeheartedly to the praise songs in their own Khmer language. They would teach me how to pray—personally, passionately, powerfully—out loud and all in unison. They would inspire me with their stories of sacrifice and service on the mission field each and every day.
Yes, I dare say, I was the one who was changed. I’ll walk you through some of the pictures at the conference, and you’ll better understand why.





























How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,that we should be called children of God!And that is what we are!1 John 1:3