This devo is what determined the theme for my blog. It is a theme that resonates with me repeatedly, and I received more responses from my readers on this one than almost any other devotional. For those of you who don't know, I send out a devo from my lovinthearts website once every week or so (as God inspires me). If you or someone you know would benefit spiritually from receiving these, please click here and enter your email address. I would love to hear from you!
If I were to ask you what kind of song your life sings, what would you say? Is the melody upbeat, melancholy, traditional, or patriotic? What do the lyrics speak of? Maybe praise, lament, crisis, joy, pain, depression, truth, struggle, etc.
Just as the number of music genres is astronomical, and the combinations of the songs within those genres are endless, so it is the same with each of our life songs. And the genres and the artists morph over time, producing whole new styles and ways of people expressing themselves. It’s mind-boggling if you think about it. In the same way, we change as a result of our circumstances and our faith working in us; thus, shifting seasons leading to new tunes.
Every time I hear the song Lifesong by Casting Crowns,* it ministers to me, reminding me that all I do and say is my life’s song to the Lord. Sometimes, I mistakenly believe that if my rhythm isn’t upbeat, then it has no value. What God has shown me through the past several years of trials, though, is that it is not as much about the rhythm as it is about the lyrics.
Here’s an example. Throughout many Psalms, David’s tune is upbeat. One can almost hear the cymbals and drums as he sings out, “Praise the Lord, O my soul. All my inmost being, praise His holy name” (Psalm 103). Chapters before that, we hear from the same mouth: “Hear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.” (Psalm 86) Can you see anyone dancing the jig to that ditty? The cool thing is that whether David or any other Psalmist is upbeat, bitter, depressed or ecstatic, they almost always make reference to the Lord’s goodness or sovereignty.
So what about you? Think about the different lyrics your life has sung out to God and to others. Your melody may have had a recent change even as you’re reading this. This theme has been on my heart for awhile now, and it applies to me personally quite perfectly. In the last decade, I’ve walked through a season of incredible miracles, joy, prosperity, strongholds, depression, physical pain, emotional pain, loss and sacrifice. It’s been a roller coaster of emotions, and each one has made its note on the chart of my lifesong.
My prayer for you and for me is that no matter whether the verses to our lives cry or laugh, yell or whisper—that our repeating chorus would be one chiming of faith, hope, love and Truth. Beg Him to help you remember all the situations He has brought you through, all the lessons He has taught you, and all of the ways He has blessed you. In doing so, may it begin a fresh and new refrain within you.
May our life’s lyrics be pleasing to You, our Lord, our Rock and Redeemer, Sustainer and Comforter, Friend and Father—Amen.
“I waited patiently for the LORD;
He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
a hymn of praise to our God…”
Psalm 40:1-3b, NIV
6 friends shared a comment:
I love this, Laura. I'm wondering what my life song sounds like. I feel like I do so much moaning, complaining, and whining. I wonder if that's what God hears when He's listening to me? Ugh... hope not. Thank you for giving me something to think about this morning. Love you so much, Little Sister:)
What a wonderful devotion, Laura. I am so very glad that you left a comment at Faith Lifts so I was able to find your site. Good stuff here!
Oh WOW - this is amazingly powerful and thoughtprovoking and TRUE!! This completely blessed me in every way (and I can understand why your response to this particular devotion would be high.).
Love ya
A great post!
I actually prayed about this and although the songs change with the spiritual seasons in my life, lately He of all songs has used the song from the kids movie, Barnyard. It's Sam Elliott's I Won't Back Down (Tom Petty and Johnny Cash did it as well) and for me, encourages me as a praying woman of faith.
But I find it funny He used a cartoon cow to grab my attention!
You give us readers a great food for thought.
Beautiful. What an awesome thought for me to focus on the next few days, "Lord, what does my lifesong sound like?"
Valuable resource of lyrics news summaries:
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