Yes, a post just for you. And the reason is because no one else would care, but I KNOW you do (wink, smirk), so here's all my random stuff to say, tell, share, sing, forward, promote, etc...
First of all, I WON A BLOG GIVEAWAY TODAY!!!! I've never won a giveaway, ever never ever, so I'm so excited! I thought for sure after I offered to bribe Kim from Homesteader's Heart, that I would be immediately disqualified. But she left me in the mix, and her husband drew my name. Isn't that cool? She is making me one of her fabulous purses, and I even get to choose my color and my fabric. She showed some of the gorgeous designs on her blog, so go check it out if you get a chance. Thank you so much, Kim. What a neat way to make someone's day.
And because it was so fun to do AND I think it is an incredible thing that CWO does for bloggers, I want to show you my interview with Christian Women online. src=""/>
And while you're there, look right above me and see my friend Patty's. Her testimony always blows my mind. We didn't even know we were doing the interview at the same time. Isn't that cool? Had to share that.
A couple of other cool dealies. Did you know that there is a blogging network on Facebook? You can actually list your blog there and find some other great ones as well. I found a couple this morning through my search of Christian blog networks that I had never seen before. LOVE them. They are the following:
One is Daily Writing Tips, and wow, do they have a good post on there about the importance of blogging for writers.
Oh, and this one: Light for the Writer's Soul--Definitely will be visiting this one frequently from now on...
What an incredible opportunity to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in a place where thousands may go to look for answers. THAT is the reason I joined Facebook in the first place. Though I enjoy keeping track of friends and tossing a line back and forth from time to time, I'm wayyyy more excited about the potential of Jesus's face being seen when people come to look for answers. Believers and non-believers alike. If you want to check out my Facebook blog network, click here:
***One exciting thing in the world of writing for me is that I was published in Just Between Us magazine this month for the Fall 2008 issue. This incredible publication started by Jill Briscoe with Shelly Esser as Editor is a valuable resource for women serving in ministry leadership of any kind. I highly recommend it, and not just this current edition, but all of them to follow. I have been blown away by the wisdom and depth of its contents.
On Monday, I will be hosting the "At the Well" meme from Joyfully Living (listed on my sidebar). If you want to think ahead in terms of topic, here is the info:
Discussion Questions:
A “Call to Worship” is usually at the beginning of a church service to prepare hearts and minds for worship together. What do you do or think you should do at the start of each day to prepare your heart and mind as a woman living a life of worship?
If you were to gather at the well with women younger than you in the faith, what would your call to worship be for them?
(optional question) If your life, worship-wise, could be defined or with a song, which one would it be (or which one would you wish it to be)?
Give it some thought, and maybe even join us At the Well if the Lord leads you...
Okay, so that's a bunch crossed off my to-tell list, but I hope you learned a bit or two of something useful. Keep your eyes open for a giveaway announcement from me very very soon. Love to all of you, and thank you for all the ways you love me, challenge me and help me be a more Godly daughter of the King.
In the Key of HE,
6 friends shared a comment:
What a fun post!!
CONGRATULATIONS!! on s super-duper CWO interview as well as the purse! Make sure to post a pic so we can all enjoy it with you!!
Yanno, when I did a blog network on facebook, I missed making a button like you have, and now I canNOT find out how to make/get one!! But ANYway, I've joined your network--you're one of my faves!
Happy bouncing, sweetie tater.
Congratulations, sweetiepie! Just wonderful.
Laura Lee, congratulations on winning the bag. It will certainly be made with love and lots of joy! :) Have a blessed day.
So much joy for a Thursday! Congratulations on all fronts. I will check out the blogs you mentioned and the article also. God is good, and he loves his children. May his favor and blessing continue to rest upon your life.
I'm already gathering my STUFF for the WELL!!!
Congratulation on being COOL is that!! Wow that is just great....!!
Happy that you won the blog giveaway - that's always fun!
Please let me thank you for including the link to my writer's blog (Light for the Writer's Soul) - a pleasant surprise. I haven't done much to get the word out, and appreciate your mention of it here. May you find something to inspire your creativity there.
God bless you,
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