The drama girls at the church women’s retreat each year were crazy. A talented group of ladies, I must say, but crazy indeed.
I watched them on stage two years ago—seven different actresses. They were FUNNY! Then last year, there were maybe eleven or twelve of them. Each time they entered a room, the shy people scattered, while others seemed to enjoy their uninhibited demeanors.
Much to my surprise, when I showed up at the retreat again this year, most of those crazy girls were still there, performing away, as well as a few newbies. They seemed kind of close, but I wondered if it was just part of their “act.”
Nonetheless, I was curious about them, so while they were on stage rehearsing, I sneaked to their cabin just to take a peek. I had never seen anything so CRAZY in my life!
Covering the walls were photos--them together at each other’s houses and snapshots of their character parts over the years. Layered throughout the pictures were scriptural reminders of serving the Lord and His joy and such. Bold costumes and strange looking props surrounded the space--wild wigs and the most interesting snacks I’d ever seen.
As I brushed on some bumbleberry blue eye shadow out of a heart-shaped container in the bathroom, I heard laughter just outside the door. Not knowing where else to go, I thrust myself behind their whacky shower curtain as swiftly as I could. I had to spy, though, still curious about those crazy drama girls.
It was a blonde---the new one, and that brunette who always played the off-beat Saturday Night Live character. Oh, she’s funny, I thought.
They began to tiptoe around and giggle. What is that scary looking ragged doll in their hands, and where are they putting it? I asked myself. What did she call it? “Sizzle”? It was a creepy clown with a plastic face, like the old-fashioned freak movie ones.
I was mesmerized beyond belief…Had I become the crazy one?
Moments later, the rest of the girls walked in except for the director lady. (She was always running around busy, busy, as if the skits were the most important part of the whole weekend.)
As I squinted to hear, they were in some sort of discussion about marriage and family and stuff. Huh. I’d never seen them so serious before, especially the REALLY crazy one that was always casted as different bizarre characters with fake eyelashes. Three were on the lower bunk sitting criss-cross, and the rest were on the floor surrounding. Their authenticity surprised me for a bunch of stage people.
Wouldn’t you know, the drama director flew through the door and interrupted that beautiful moment with her own tears? All of them questioned her sympathetically as she spilled out all of her stress. It had finally gotten to her. Then they were all crying. One of them offered up a prayer, and by the “Amen,” the tears had turned to giggles again. All was well among the crazy drama girls. The show could go on!
It was most definitely time for me to get out of there, but I was in a pickle. LITERALLY, the shower curtain had a pickle on it. Go figure.
About that time, the director was getting ready for bed while several of the others were in the corner snacking and hem-hawing away. When she pulled back her fluffy corduroy comforter, out flew a shrill scream that I’m certain was heard across the whole camp.
That ugly clown was posed obnoxiously on her pillow, as if crying out “Na-na-na-na-boo-boo!”
“Schnitzel! Who put Schnitzel in my bed?!?” the director lady shrieked with her palms over her chest. The cackling in the corner erupted into an all out fit of hysterics, and it was the perfect time to make my escape.
As I walked all the way back to my own bunker, I thought I could still hear the laughter roaring. Crazy girls. And a creepy clown. NAMED SCHNITZEL!!!! While letting out my own giggle, I couldn’t help but wish I were a part of that team. Their fellowship was not staged at all: It was real….sweet even.
If by some chance I find myself strolling past that outlandish cabin next year, I’ll definitely have to knock. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll find the courage to introduce myself to Schnitzel.
Romans 15:32b
“...so that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed.”
Okay, I have to admit it. This one was a tribute I wrote to a team of drama girls I directed for several years. We were a close-knit bunch, and we had such great times together. (Each one is a part of my Lifesong). I HAVE to show you a few pics of the gals...and even of Schnitzel. Hope you enjoy them. If not, I'll give a cry and a smile over the memories all to myself.

My friend Pattie & my sister in the front row,
doing a dance to "It's Ladies Night!"

Bets and me...funny emcees?

The Stepford Soldiers at Boot Camp

The brilliant sergeant and her "assistant." Guess which one's really in charge?

The whole gang for 2006 Boot Camp theme
(with my big sis takin' the pics and keepin me calm)

Elaine and me with Schnitzel all dolled up
(Elaine's the one in the story who always wears the crazy eyelashes.)

(Evilla Deville...huh? Wonder who this could be? Hint: eyelashes)

Did somebody call for an angel?

Pretty in Pink Woman, Material Girl & Spice Girl
Looking for Happiness behind door #1, #2 or #3?

Ahhhh, time to chill and be for real...

Tickled Pink to serve the Lord...

Sheri, magnificent retreat coordinator who enlisted me as the drama director in the middle of Wal-mart. Who woulda thunk it?
In the Key of HE,
10 friends shared a comment:
Oh I love the story more so because it isn't all that fictional for you. I LOVE doing skits. I've done them for the woman's retreat and for VBS for years. For some reason they always cast me as the funny one. I don't get it lol. One year for VBS I was Eve L. Hart LOL. I love your memories my friend. I wish I could be there to be involved.
Have a great day!
This was too precious for words. How much fun! Laughter is so good for the soul...may you giggle with these girls for many more years!!!
I love the "tickled pink to serve the Lord"!
Very fun. It really succeeds in putting the reader right there in the action. Delightful.
Oh what a FUN story! I so loved getting to read this and to see the pictures at the end too. I loved the humor with the pickle on the curtain and the bumbleberry blue eyeshadow. Great details and a truly warm-hearted story! ^_^
How sweet. Fun fellowship and closeness between women who share their love of Jesus with one another is awesome. :)
This was awesome!!!!!! I love the tickled pink to serve the Lord theme, too!
Cute skits! That looked hilarious! You gals must have been a riot!
Happy Labor Day!
God bless,
I loved the story, but the pictures at the end were such a nice touch. Drama is such a great ministry and you gave a perfect tribute!
I loved this story the first time--but I Loooooooved the pictures I got to see this time around! SOOOO much fun!!
Wow... this is such a cool tribute to the drama group. Thanks for giving us a sneak peek. The pictures are priceless. You are an inspiration with your tireless service LaLee.
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