"My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"
Your face, LORD, I will seek."
Psalm 27:8
I've walked in the faith long enough to know that I must look to the Lord for everything, every time, every purpose. I know it, know it! All I have to do is look back and see...reflect back and remember...He has been faithful. This I know.
Yet my heart is deceitful above all things. It doesn't have a memory. It tends to follow my emotions if I'm not careful.
It's no accident that Kristen at Exemplify posted this as today's verse to ponder and discuss. As a matter of fact, hardly a day goes by when I don't need to be reminded that I not only need to seek Him with my mind and declare it with my mouth...I need it to be the overflowing attitude of my heart as well.
For me, the only time that happens is when I go before the Lord small--empty--surrendered.
As He fills me up by the power of the Holy Spirit, then my heart follows after Him. When I don't, my heart follows my emotions and compulsions instead.
So I declare with my mind and my mouth, "Your face, LORD, I will seek. Open, humble, ready, willing." And my heart will declare it too.
5 friends shared a comment:
This is so true of me as well. SO often I get sidetracked and come back to Him asking to be filled once more.
Beautiful thoughts on this verse.
I know you are SO busy, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining us today.
We love having you!
It's amazing how emtpy we can become so quickly. Great post my friend.
Yes, I'm the same way. I'm so glad David gave us the correct response so it's ready for us--LoL, for ME. It has to be a deliberate move on my part.
YES - need that reminder too. Gotta go small.YYEESSS
Wow, did I need to hear that this morning...
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